
Becoming A Woman of Influence: Creating a legacy worth leaving

Becoming A Woman of Influence: Creating a legacy worth leaving

Recently I was watching a television show in which the female character was in a political debate with her husband. She wanted to vote for a female candidate based simply on the fact that the candidate was a woman and “it’s about time,” whereas he was more focused on issues and credentials. Now I’m not here to talk politics or salute any specific preferences, I’m simply using that scenario to catapult being a woman of influence and what specifically I feel that means to me.  

I think in general, as women we are a rare breed. In my opinion, simply by being a woman we are positioned in roles of influence every day. We are more than mothers, daughters, wives, and sisters. We are incredible multi-taskers, born nurturers, tender, tenacious, and yet strong in ways that often go unnoticed. Among other things, we educate, mend and motivate others as well as beautify our surroundings. Often early in our lives, we are placed in positions of influence. Where we go beyond that is strictly up to us. 

From teaching and nurturing our children, to how we climb the corporate ladder or represent ourselves in unpleasant situations we are not only impacting someone’s life but sharing a glimpse of what being a woman truly represents. 

By example, word, deed and action, we are creating a legacy and showing our daughters, as well as the world, what we can achieve and overcome. The fact that we are a woman should play no role in our credentials nor should it deter from our accomplishments or accolades. We should not receive our position of power and prestige as earned due to our gender but instead accept them based on our merits, integrity, achievements, and character.  

Every minute of the day we are placed in situations where we get the opportunity to rise above the norm, stand out and be noticed by our actions and reactions. So, I ask you, what measures are you taking daily to build a legacy of integrity, to be a shining beacon for those that follow in your path? Your voice is infectious and charismatic. It resonates beyond the borders of your inner circle. By providing personal and professional influence, establishing yourself as a leader among women, an advocate for the underdog and a powerhouse in the workforce, you will not only create credibility for the gender but carry a name and reputation for yourself as well as leave a legacy in which others can follow in the footsteps of a true woman of influence.  

Women of influence are not born. They are built, influenced previously by others and molded. It takes time, effort and patience to become a woman of influence. They are often hidden behind the scenes but occasionally spotted in the form of mentors, volunteers, those who are making a difference in the lives of others. It starts daily with personal development, focusing more on giving than receiving and helping others. It can be exasperating work, but the trail of light left behind is long and bright. 

I encourage you to reflect on those who have influenced your life, examine what about them leads you to follow their example and discover your unique position in the universe and how you can share it with others and create your own legacy worth leaving. The calling is available every day. Embrace it. One opportunity at a time.

Michelle Bryant Griffin

Michelle Bryant Griffin

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