
Blending Work and Family by Bringing Your Whole Self to the Office

Blending Work and Family by Bringing Your Whole Self to the Office

Work makes up a massive chunk of our adult lives. The average American spends over 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. With so much time dedicated to our careers, our jobs inevitably shape our identities and social connections.

Yet, in the always-on economy, many of us are prone to compartmentalizing, strictly separating our professional and personal worlds. We pour heart and soul into project deadlines and sales reports during work hours. After hours, we shift into parenting or partnership mode back home. We rarely let the two worlds intersect.

But blending work and life in thoughtful ways boosts our happiness, authenticity, and relationships. Integrating family into our workplace appropriately humanizes us to teammates. It grounds us in our deepest whys during stressful workdays.

Here’s how to seamlessly interweave family life with work culture:

Personalize Your Workspace

Curate your office area with a couple of meaningful family photos and kids’ artwork to literally surround yourself with loved ones. A favorite wedding picture, snapshot of a cherished vacation, or your smiling crew assembled for a holiday meal keeps your priorities visually front and center amid meetings and projects.

Your monitor slideshow or cubicle corner may showcase a more limited selection than the overflowing mass of images and magnets at home. But a few choice photos can blend the most important people and passions in your world.

Share Family Anecdotes

In meetings, presentations and casual conversations, gently reference real-life anecdotes from your family. Rather than just noting an upcoming holiday in generic terms, share your family’s unique seasonal traditions. Does your dad always splash maple syrup in the snow on Christmas morning for an impromptu taffy treat? Do you gather aunts and cousins for raucous karaoke every Thanksgiving eve?

When topically relevant, segue fun asides like “This concept reminds me of when my daughter attempted her own ‘experiment’ mixing up potions in the bathroom sink last week!” This thoughtful sprinkling of family stories makes you more relatable, down-to-earth and approachable.

Send New Addition Announcements

Don’t keep new babies or puppies secret! Proudly share the joyful family news by email, introducing the new addition to the whole team. Coworkers appreciate being looped in. It serves as a conduit to later discuss home matters that arise, like agreements to flexibly attend pediatrician visits or school pickups.

Showcase Kids’ Artwork

Showcase rotating samples of kids’ stellar artwork or handmade crafts around your workspace, either framed or neatly posted. Teachers have forever taped students’ creations up in their classrooms so that parents can channel that spirit too. Aim to swap pieces out seasonally as new gems get produced to keep it dynamic.

Include Family at Company Gatherings

When suitable, bring the family to company picnics, holiday meals, carnivals and other community events. Watching teammates dote over your toddler wearing a tiny suit or engage with your shy 10-year-old makes work relationships more familial. It demystifies those long hours away from home for your own crew too. As long as kids are well-behaved, most organizations today encourage blending when possible.

Schedule Light Family Face Time

If you travel frequently or work remotely, try scheduling quick family video check-ins when feasible rather than losing touch for days. Even 10 minutes makes a difference, allowing you to hear the latest tween drama or your spouse’s job interview prep. Coworkers won’t mind these short yet grounding personal breaks.

Spotlight Work Relationships at Home

When you reference work friends to family, speak about teammates not just as nameless colleagues, but as the caring mentors and quirky companions they are. Share touching stories of how certain coworkers supported you through tricky presentations, health issues, or career wobbles.

Celebrate Key Work Milestones

Honor major career milestones like promotions or product launches with family-inclusive celebrations akin to how you’d attend your child’s sports banquet or school graduation. Commemorate achievements through a nice dinner with your spouse or phone calls with proud parents.

Set Realistic Expectations

If a demanding deadline needs you online nights or weekends for a short-term crunch, clearly communicate the plan to your family, setting realistic expectations upfront rather than ignoring key commitments. Reassure them it’s just a temporary stretch tied to an exciting priority project rather than the new normal.

Ease Back Into Quality Time

After an intense work sprint pulling you away from loved ones, gracefully ease back into home life upon project wrap. Mark your availability calendar to protect regular evening and weekend times going forward. Plan a restorative staycation or a dinner date to reconnect one-on-one with kids or partner.

While work and personal realms understandably require some separation, thoughtfully bridging them in moderation makes for more well-rounded fulfillment, mutually supportive relationships and positive emotional associations with our jobs.

Integrating family into work culture need not mean unprofessional oversharing, but rather purposeful intent to bring our whole selves. What are other ways you’ve found balance blending work and family? 

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