
Devalued Value

Devalued Value

Unhappy with your job or career path?  Unfulfilled in your personal life? Do you want more?   

If the answer to any of those questions is yes, don’t feel bad. You are not alone.  In 2016, researchers saw a drop in happy people and contributed to relationships, the lack of trust and connection; and the uneven wealth distribution, which gives many of us a sense that the rich are getting richer.   Meanwhile, a 2017 Gallup study revealed that 85% of the population are not happy at work and 51% of the population are not engaged when they are at work.

With relationships and finances being the major cause of unhappiness, it is inevitable that we will get into our feelings because our emotions are now at the center of attention.  Think about it.  Our highs and lows determine our action steps, so things just got real for us.  No, I don’t want to do anything, no I cannot think positive and no I am not all that warm and fuzzy.  You see when you continue to allow others to take (withdraw) and no deposits (give) are made back into the source, you get depleted. Before you know it, you are no longer valued, not by you and not to anyone else.  

That reminds me of a story of a young man asking his mother to give him the value of his life.  The mother gave the young man a stone and sent him on a hunt to find out for himself.  The young man went to three separate vendors and what he learned was that the stone had different value based on the point of view of the individual evaluating the stone.  You see no one will give you what you want nor should they determine what you are worth.   

The bottom line is, you alone can determine what your value is and you alone can make yourself truly happy.  However, to do that, you must take an active role in “you”.   Let’s begin with the following 5 steps: 

  • Make a decision 
  • Be committed 
  • Understand what you want to accomplish through strategic planning 
  • Realize the benefit of using a Mentor; Coach 
  • Position yourself in groups and organizations--people who will allow you to be you and use your skills  

Those steps listed above will help restore your value from the inside out.  Once You feel worthy you can now give out more worth.  Make sense?  All you have to do is step out of your situation, so you can step up into a better position.   

Yes, YOU can become the source of your own happiness! 

Yes, YOU do have value! 

Yes, YOU can have more!

Myrtha Dubois

Myrtha Dubois

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