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Arkellah Irving - Life-Changing Transformation

Arkellah Irving - Life-Changing Transformation

Arkellah Irving is the founder of Goddess Yoga, a yoga and spiritual guidance business that offers transformative spiritual guidance, energy healing, and goddess-infused yoga programs that transform people's lives.  

Arkellah Irving's work reaches across Australia and Bali and online globally. Her great loves are spiritual coaching sessions, creating and delivering life-changing retreats, and her signature goddess training programs, Magnetic Goddess and Unveiling the Divine Feminine, awakening the natural magnetic powers of women

In your experience, what is the critical ingredient for higher levels of well-being?

The most vital element of your well-being is your energy. The energy of the mind and body needs training through clean eating, sunshine, fresh air, meditation, and yoga.  

Beyond your life force's mind-body training and energy management, your Prana is even more important. Prana is a Sanskrit word used in yoga to describe your breath, the essence of your life force. Your Prana gives you the spark and true inspiration and motivation for life. It creates inner resilience because you feel strong when your life force is strong.  

Properly nurturing your lifeforce can be achieved through energy healing practices, both from others and self-healing. As a healer, honoring and caring for your energy is paramount.  

What are some of the mistakes you wish you could have avoided?   

  I'd like to share my top three mistakes that I have learned from my experiences.  

Even though my clients experienced life-changing transformations through working with me, I played small. Because I didn't work with the right mentor, it took me years to see the magnitude of value I offer.  

Secondly, I relied only on word of mouth for the first few years. I hid. Because I worried about how others may judge me, I did not own my power and shine my light for others.  

Thirdly, I did not create boundaries, giving away time. I realized my mistake when the time was not limited. It took some work to realign.   

What actions could someone take to get started on the journey of healing?   

Life is a healing journey. Every uncomfortable moment and situation offers a healing opportunity. The first step is to learn to trust yourself and life. This mindset is fundamental to your conscious healing journey, to see that life is working with us and for us. Everything changes when we believe this. Fear has no hold when we trust in the essence of life itself.  

Know that your heart holds wisdom. This is a spiritual metaphor as well as based on scientific studies. The heart is the first organ that grows as a human develops. It literally holds all of the information needed to grow every cell and organ within your body, including your mind. This means that the heart knows how to heal any part of us; consider that possibility… Shamans know this and connect with the energy of the heart to do their work.  

Connect with your heart often, get to know it, ask for its wisdom, feel its intuition, and access its power. The heart connection is much more than love and forgiveness. The brain is a wonderful asset when the heart leads to it. The other way around can leave us feeling empty, wondering what we've missed, or feeling like we are in constant repetition and suffering.  

Finally, heal yourself. Connect with healers that you align with, the light you up, challenge and support you, and are your spiritual mentors. Even healers see healers. It's vital. Find books that feel intuitively helpful, listen to inspiring podcasts, do healing training,  go on retreats, do your inner work and follow your joy! What else is life about if not finding joy. That's the point of spiritual work.

Divya Parekh

Divya Parekh

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