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How to Create a Perfect 30-60-90 Day Plan?

How to Create a Perfect 30-60-90 Day Plan?

Whether preparing for a new role or planning to nail it in the first three months, having a 30-60-90-day plan can push you toward your goals. A 30-60-90-day plan is a document that lays down the course of action. It may guide you through your new goals and objectives that you wish to accomplish in the first 90 days of the job.

Creating a strategy can be exciting and challenging, whether you have grabbed a new role or a project. A 30-60-90-day plan can help you create tangible goals and further track their performance. Let us learn more about the 30-60-90 plan in detail in this article.  

When to Make a 30-60-90 Day Plan?  

With a 30-60-90-day plan, you can guide what you wish to accomplish and which direction you need to take. Here are the main types of situations where you must consider making a 30-60-90-day plan:  

  • Preparing for the final stages of the interview.  
  • Preparing for the first week of your new job.  

If you have made it to the last stages of the interview, likely, the interviewer may also ask you this question. The question “How do you plan to spend the first 30, 60, or 90 days in the role?” is often asked to determine your strengths and understand whether you fit the role.

The interviewer may also try to understand your thought process or determine how you will contribute to the position. Besides this, switching to a new job role can be both exciting and challenging. You will find it easier to showcase your strengths when you have a plan for the first 90 days. 

Elements of 30-60-90 Day Plan  

Before you start drafting your plan, you will need to put together the elements that may be required. Here are some aspects and details you must focus on while creating your 30-60-90-day plan.  

Determine the Right Focus 

Whether it is your interview or your first job, the first thing that you need to do is determine the proper and right focus. Your focus may shift or change depending on your role and performance. Therefore, you should always be open to modifying your 30-60-90-day plan.

For instance, you may want to learn and acquire knowledge in the first month of your job. The second month may be about contributing new ideas, while the third can be planning and execution. It would be best if you considered setting the correct focus depending on the role and the organization.  

Have Clear Priorities  

For a new job interview, the manager would want to visualize if you would be able to set distinctive priorities. On the other hand, you will need to have clear priorities for your job. Your preferences can be more specific than the area of focus. List down all the bucket ideas and high-level priorities for each phase of the learning process or your plan.  

Set Goals  

Next, you need to set goals on how you wish to accomplish your priorities. It would help if you had specific plans for each phase – 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. Break your larger goals into short-term goals. Make sure you set goals to help you climb the ladder and achieve success in your life. Divide your goals into categories such as learning goals, personal goals, and performance goals.  

  • Learning goals: What skills or tools would you like to learn from this new role or opportunity?  
  • Personal goals: Many people want to build their confidence levels, while others are looking to strengthen their network. Consider asking yourself about the personal goals you would like to accomplish.  
  • Performance goals: These goals will be a part of your new business opportunity or role. Think about the performance you wish to achieve in the first 90 days.       

Use SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relatable, Time-Bound) goals to establish actionable and quantifiable targets. The studies have revealed that more than 80% fail to accomplish their goals because the goals do not fall under the SMART category. It would be best if you answered 5Ws and 1H to understand and set the right goals.  

Read Also: What Are SMART Goals?

Metrics and Progress  

You must determine the metrics you will use to track the progress or performance. Tracking the performance will ideally set you up for success and help you understand your improvement. Make sure to check the metrics to achieve your goals successfully constantly.  

How to Create a 30-60-90 Day Plan?  

Once you have set your goals and priorities, you must follow the steps to create your perfect 30-60-90-day plan:  

Draft a Template  

You can either create or find a pre-made template for drafting your plan. A template is necessary because it will help you list your goals and what you wish to accomplish. Make sure that your template has enough space to accommodate goals for 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. List down the types of goals and action plan you will follow.  

Define Your Goals  

Determine and list the goals that you wish to accomplish. Make a general list of goals and categorize them into learning, personal, and professional. Keep tracking your plans to add or modify them. The current progress and the work in the office may significantly impact your goals.  

Identify The Targets  

Check out the list of goals and targets that you wish to accomplish. You should further divide them into 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day targets.  

  • 30-Day Targets: Focus on understanding the company’s mission and improving your learning process.  
  • 60-Day Targets: The next 30 days should be related to contribution and how you can implement the knowledge gained during the first month.  
  • 90-Day Targets: The final 30 days should be focused on implementing the experience gained in the first 60 days and effectively leading the team. Focus on how you can improve your leadership skills and contribute better to the organization.  

Create Action Items  

Write down the dates and timelines by which you want to complete your goals. Create a list of action items to analyze whether you have been able to fulfill your goals or not. Make sure that the goals are measurable and achievable.  

Read Also: 10 Things Fearless Women Do Differently 

Tips for Making a 30-60-90 Day Plan  

Here are specific tips to help you make an effective and impactful 30-60-90-day plan: 

  • Before listing your goals and priorities, you should always consider the bigger picture. Start with what is important and what aspects you want to accomplish to advance your career.  
  • Consider asking questions to understand the practices and initiatives the company is taking for the betterment of employees.  
  • To establish healthy relationships, you should meet different stakeholders. Discuss with your manager, colleagues, coworkers, and external partners.  
  • Always be flexible in your approach. Tailor your plan and goals depending on the role. You should ask the leaders for feedback and make the necessary changes accordingly.  

Final Thoughts  

A 30-60-90-day plan can help you transition into a new role smoothly. Follow the above steps to create a perfect plan and step up for success at every stage.

The Editorial Team

The Editorial Team

Hi there, we're the editorial team at WomELLE. We offer resources for business and career success, promote early education and development, and create a supportive environment for women. Our magazine, "WomLEAD," is here to help you thrive both professionally and personally.

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