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My Mission is to Help Micro-Businesses Thrive: Dr. Priscilla Kucer

My Mission is to Help Micro-Businesses Thrive: Dr. Priscilla Kucer

Dr. Priscilla Kucer, fondly known as D. P., is the founder and CEO of Texas-based Priscilla Kucer Consulting Solutions (PKCS) LLC. She is a Black woman business owner focused on helping micro-businesses who are stuck in their ventures to find solutions to their problems. She creates a blueprint and helps them to emerge successfully. Organizational development, personal qualities, leadership, and education (OPLE™) form the basis of her management consulting system. Dr. Priscilla Kucer helps her clients use four core values: integrity, collaboration, connecting, respect and accepting diversity, and innovation.

Her mission is to get micro-businesses to combine their learning style, superpower, leadership skills, and vision to find solutions to their problems, take action, and get the results they need to survive their first five years and beyond.

Early Life

Dr. Kucer hails from the small and wonderful island of Barbados. She never even dreamt of becoming a business owner as a seven-year-old. To her, it is a huge accomplishment. "The main reason for this is that I didn't like going to school when I was younger because I found it so hard. There was always so much reading, and I found reading tough," she recalls. However, she has overcome all this to become a hugely successful business owner.

According to Dr. Kucer, when she had to read or do the math, "everything on the page seemed to move, and it was difficult to see what was on the page." She is grateful to one of her primary school teachers and her mother, who took her to get her eyes checked. It turned out that she needed glasses. She was able to see the letters and numbers clearer, but they didn't stop dancing on her page. So, since reading and math were so difficult, she thought that she would never finish school.

Dr. Kucer says that she is fortunate to have amazing parents (William and Louisa) who ensured that she received alternative experiences in extracurricular activities like dance, netball, tennis, gymnastics, and piano. She found that it would all change through extracurricular activities. Also, found out that there were different and more exciting ways to learn – even better- different ways to experience success and see that she was good at other things. So, at the age of 13, Dr. Kucer decided that she wanted to become a psychologist.

Early Career

Dr. Priscilla Kucer started her career as a school psychologist as she wanted to help all children reach their potential and realize that they can be successful. "Along the way in my school psychology career, I realized the importance of the structure of the school and school district and how it impacted a child's ability to reach their potential,” she said. She experienced that working in the school system doesn't matter whether you were helping a student, teacher, administrator, or other school-based professional improve; it all tied back to student achievement.

So, scaling is like student achievement to her. Regardless of what you are doing in your business, you need to ensure high revenue and low cost. Just like with student achievement in schools, there are so many pieces that business owners need to be aware of and include in their strategic plan to scale their business to reach their goals, Dr. Kucer elaborates.

Starting Her Business

The first time she tried to start a business, she was overwhelmed and had difficulty figuring out what she needed to do. "It wasn't going great, but I didn't stop. I kept reading and learning about more things that I needed to do in my business. After several months, I decided to stick with a copy-and-paste method that always included a link to my website," Dr. Kucer adds.

Eventually, Dr. Kucer decided to get certified, and she learned a few principles of building a business from the training she took. It wasn't until two years later that she found a business coach and finally learned the importance of having four simple things in her business to get unstuck. But learning without a plan is not easy. This is why she created a program to coach new business owners on building their business strategically without frustration in less time than it took for her. "I created my program using my education, psychology, leadership, and organizational development background," she mentioned in an interview with WomELLE.

Professional Business Coach

Today, Dr. Kucer is a successful trainer, coach, teacher, leader, and mentor. She helps others identify their goals and vision and then develops a plan to achieve those goals. She has successfully employed those strategies within small and large organizations. Dr. Priscilla Kucer believes that it is important to be strategic in goal setting and work efficiently to achieve those goals to be successful. Her company strives to increase the number of entrepreneurs who SoAR™ to five years and more in business.

Her psychology education and experiences allow her to connect with and understand micro-businesses in a way that other business coaches can't.

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