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Goal Setting for Goddesses: How to Celebrate The End of Year With Peace of Mind

Goal Setting for Goddesses: How to Celebrate The End of Year With Peace of Mind

As we move from the end of one decade to the start of a new one, it is a time to take the steps to ensure we start this way, or we won’t progress—with real celebration

The holiday season can often be a source of great stress for us. Whether we have a family of our own, are catching up with family, or just spending time with friends, the lead-up to the end of the year can be a minefield of stressors. We can end up feeling like we have just run a marathon while carrying the kitchen fridge, rather than feeling rested, relaxed, and enjoying the festivities. 

And then, we finish the year by making resolutions on how we are going to make the next one even better. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t feel like a celebration when all is said and done. Let’s have a look at how you can make it a real celebration, and how you can make sure you celebrate your successes. Let’s put some strategies in place to ensure that you really do get to enjoy the celebrations and don’t get lost in thoughts about what you should have done or should be doing. 

Take the time to celebrate your successes from 2020 

As we celebrate the end of one year and the start of another, we often forget to celebrate the successes in our business and personal lives. This is something that you could also do on the end of every quarter (or even every month) to help make sure you focus on your successes and don’t get lost in the things that might not be working so well. It is important for our health to remember to celebrate our successes. 

One method I have found that works really well is to sit down and write yourself a letter. In that letter make sure you cover the following things: 

  • Your greatest accomplishments for the year (no matter how small or insignificant you think they are) 
  • The magic moments 
  • What would have disappointed you if it hadn’t happened 
  • What you are most grateful for in the year that has been 
  • What really made a difference this year 
  • What was one thing you wish you knew at the start of the year, and finally 
  • Now I am celebrating… 

Break down the roles that you had in 2020 

One of the challenges women face is the many “hats” we feel we must wear. An important part of being a Goddess is to make conscious choices about the roles we choose to play and how we play them. Nobody said you had to be all things to all people, and it is always best to avoid doing things that you feel you shouldn’t do. This will only lead to a stressed-out you who resents the people she wishes to help.  

Let’s break this down to roles: 

  • The roles I had in 2020 where… 
  • The roles I wish to have in 2021 are… (list no more than 8) 
  • Now pick a word (only one) that best describes the role you want to play in the next year. 

Make your promises for 2021 

A promise differs from a goal setting in that it is a personal commitment you make to yourself about what your heart desires. It should describe your intentions and the impact you want to make in the world. 

The difference in energy is subtle and should leave you free to receive opportunities that come your way this year. Promises also provide you with a gentler way of treating yourself. You can of course share your promises with others—I would encourage you to do so in fact, as it helps people to be able to support you in fulfilling them. 

  • Make one or two promises for each of the roles that you have listed above.  
  • Once you have done this, rank them. This will help you determine which promises are your priorities. 
  • Take the above and write yourself a letter as if it is the end of 2021, about the year you have just had. Make sure you describe all the amazing things that you have experienced, what you are grateful for, the support you have received, the people you have attracted and connected with, your magic moments, and so on. 

One of the tools in the toolboxes of successful athletes and business-people is the ability to visualise the success they have not had yet. This programs our brains to accept the success we do not yet have and make it easier for our subconscious to ensure this is the direction the “ship” is being steered towards. 

Establish support systems to help you work  

Now, regarding your end of year celebrations, whatever they involve over December and January, let’s examine what you need to put in place to make them work with your strengths and have a real celebration rather than a dive into stress-induced insanity. 

  • List your strengths: What are your greatest strengths or gifts? Which qualities in yourself will you draw upon and cultivate even more, in service to your highest self?  
  • Who do you need around you? Who are your role models, mentors, and fan club as you become a fuller expression of yourself? You don’t have to know these people personally—if you could have anyone on your side, who would you invite? Well, now you’re inviting them.  
  • What support do you need to make it happen? You can do this for the full year ahead as well as for the end of year celebrations. Break it into two sections if you need. 
  • What do you need to let go to make this happen? Is it a little bit of control? Perfectionism? Over planning or lack of planning? 

Now that you have taken the time to get the image of not just your best End of Year celebrations but also your best year ever, it is time to move forward and make it happen with ease. Remember that as you travel through the year, if you have moments where you feel yourself slipping or stumbling along your journey, either in your business or personal life, go back to the letters to remind yourself to celebrate. 

And most importantly, remember to regularly celebrate who you are. You are a necessary part of this world and you help to make it a better place for every life you touch. Remember you are a goddess and as such you have an impact on many lives, most importantly on your own.

Maggie Georgopoulos

Maggie Georgopoulos

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