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How to Overcome Shyness: Nine Confident Ways

How to Overcome Shyness: Nine Confident Ways

Shyness is an emotion that can hold you back from communicating or participating in meetings. You might have brilliant ideas but hold a fear of what would happen if you spoke up. Shy people are even afraid of communicating with the public. If you have a shy personality, you must have received multiple pieces of advice from people to avoid overreacting and talking to the other person so they would not bite. Chronic shyness is common and mostly occurs in case of new experiences. On the contrary, extreme shyness can make you self-conscious and uncomfortable. Here we will share some effective ways how to overcome shyness and believe in yourself. 

Explore the Sources 

You can overcome shyness by exploring the sources or situations that are triggering these feelings. Understand that shyness occurs mainly because of genetics, childhood environment, and traumatic life experiences. Facing rejection by your teachers or friends, growing up in a toxic family environment, or having strict family members are some of the common situations that may induce shyness. If you want to know how to overcome shyness, you should first be aware of the source. When you are well-versed with the source, it will become easier to determine the right way to get rid of shyness and social anxiety. 

Determine Whether It is Shyness or Not 

Shyness, social anxiety, and introversion are three different categories. Social anxiety is a critical mental situation where an individual may have a persistent fear of getting rejected or being criticized for actions. One must understand that a shy person may not have anxieties or other things. There are shy people who often feel uncomfortable around new people but get used to it when they coordinate with them. Therefore, you must find out the answer to this question. 

Read Also: Can Introverted Women Lead? Let's Find Out 

Participate in Conversations  

One of the ways to overcome shyness could be to start participating in conversations. We know it might be difficult for you to interact with others, but you can begin by speaking in a group of two or three people. Try to send them a message or express yourself via mail. You can start by talking to people you have known for years or interact with every day. Do not let the spotlight affect your energies. You may even prepare notes or questions that you would want to ask. Let go of the worry and thoughts that people would judge you. Everybody makes mistakes, and it is nothing to fear. Try to take things in a positive manner and find a way to overcome shyness and social anxiety

Seek Support 

To overcome shyness or social anxiety, you must consider seeking expert support or professional help. Understand that there is nothing wrong with seeking therapy if you are unable to control the situation. They are experts and know their job well. Moreover, you need to understand that you do not have to face everything alone. Talk to people you trust and get the help that may help you build self-confidence. 

Accept Yourself 

Before you take any steps, you need to accept yourself. Learn to accept and love yourself the way you are. Working on your flaws will be much easier when you have accepted them. Acceptance will also give you the power to work on your weaknesses. If you are wondering how to overcome shyness, you should start by exploring your skills and strengths. See what you are good at and start building those qualities in you. Exploring your inner strengths will make you more confident and help you get rid of your shy feelings. 

Shift Your Focus 

Shyness can often induce feelings of fear and may lead to anxiety. If you think shyness is leading to social anxiety and other symptoms, you must take steps to shift your focus. Try to maintain a positive outlook towards life and experience how perspective plays a big role. When you are already scared, you cannot gain strength and communicate. You need to think of positive situations like what if everybody liked your idea. Use this tactic to overcome shyness and become a better person in life. 

Practice and Take Baby Steps 

We are not born communicators. There is nothing wrong if you are preparing how you would speak and participate in conversations. At the same time, you should pay attention to the topic and see how you can give instant answers. While implementing strategies to overcome shyness, you should always take baby steps. You should avoid speaking on the stage if you do not feel like speaking on the stage. Set goals for yourself and keep evaluating your own performance to see how much progress you have made. 

Read Also: When to Speak Up and When to Step Back at Work 

Welcome Setbacks 

Overcoming shyness is not an easy task; it is likely that you may face multiple challenges. You should accept the challenges and welcome setbacks. Learn to challenge your assumptions and see how reality goes by. You may have made a plan to overcome shyness and social anxiety, but it is not necessary that things will work out. Learn to accept reality instead of being in your bubble. 

Avoidance is Not the Answer 

Lastly, if you want to know how to overcome shyness, you need to stop avoiding things that are bothering you. As mentioned above, accept yourself the way you are. Avoidance is not the answer and will never help you build a personal or professional career. Be ready to face the challenges and see how it gives you the strength to do better in life. 

If you are struggling majorly, you must consider discussing it with any mental health professional. Talk to somebody or embrace self-love. You may use a mix of the above strategies to overcome shyness and social anxiety. These ways on how to overcome shyness may help get rid of such feelings.

The Editorial Team

The Editorial Team

Hi there, we're the editorial team at WomELLE. We offer resources for business and career success, promote early education and development, and create a supportive environment for women. Our magazine, "WomLEAD," is here to help you thrive both professionally and personally.

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