
Jennifer Dawn’s Novel Techniques to Help Business Owners Thrive

Jennifer Dawn’s Novel Techniques to Help Business Owners Thrive

Jennifer Dawn's entrepreneurial journey is an exciting story. She is the founder of Jennifer Dawn Coaching & Consulting, the Best Planner Ever creator, and the master coach behind Goal Achievers. She is always trying to do something novel to help business owners on their journey to success and content life. Jennifer is also the author of “The Joy Guide: Finding Your Joy in a World of Crap."

The Beginning

Jennifer has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. As an eight-year-old, she collected apples from the front yard of her grandfather’s house and set up an apple stand. “The shining cents that I had earned by selling those apples made me fall with entrepreneurship,” Jennifer told WomELLE in an interview. After that, she did several odd jobs, including babysitting, to be able to do what she wanted to do. She feels that if you have an idea and take some action, you can do something – a business.

Driven by this entrepreneurial spirit, Jennifer founded a software company at the age of 23. After 13 years, she sold the company and purchased another business. She also worked for the Governor of Florida and IBM. In 2012, Jennifer left the corporate world to look after her family and take care of her kids. So, she hired a coach to help her figure out the next steps and began taking on consulting work. Soon, she was into business coaching, working from her home.

Back in New York

When Jennifer re-located to New York, she was asked by a national network of women entrepreneurs to lead their group. She accepted the offer, became the organization's president, and helped it achieve 7-figure revenue. During her stint with the organization, Jennifer found a love of coaching and mentoring. In 2014 she stepped out on her own and had been going strong.

Jennifer says, "Gradually, I went on to lead high-level accountability and masterminding women's groups. It was here that I realized that I had made millions for my own company and for corporate, so why not help others do the same?" That's how she found her ultimate passion and purpose. She had found her joy in coaching other business owners on their journey while running her company, Jennifer Dawn Coaching & Consulting. Jennifer has been offering coaching for the last ten years, and she launched an in-house marketing agency last year. With this, Jennifer's business has turned out to be a one-stop shop for every kind of help business owners need most on the journey.

Jennifer Dawn Coaching & Consulting offers three different types of services – open or group coaching, private coaching, and both. “We have five coaches, including a wellness coach, and offer an inclusive service to our clients with the objective of their overall well-being and business growth," she says.

Creator of Best Planner Ever

At one point in her life, Jennifer felt the need to organize her daily activities. She felt the need for a vision, goal, and inspirational path. Instead of depending on others, she started writing down all the things she needed to organize her daily life – and this gave birth to the Best Planner Ever. It is a four-page daily planner launched in 2015 and helps business owners organize their daily activities and take care of themselves. She uses the planner to coach her clients, and it has yielded excellent results, claims Jennifer.

Being Rushed

The demands of our world today, without question, have shifted us to a place where being rushed and stressed is the norm, says Jennifer, adding that we are bombarded every day by technology in our faces pressing us to do more, more. The feeling of being rushed most often comes from our choice to allow it in our lives.

Jennifer believes being rushed can harm our productivity, health, and happiness. I t raises our stress level, and the more stress, the more negative side effects we will experience. She explains that anything that causes us to be in a state of constant stress will affect our overall health, happiness, and well-being. On the flip side, she says that we have the time to think when we slow down.

“When we take time to think, we’ll be clearer and focused in our daily work. That leads us to spend more time working "in the zone," which is more fun and much more productive. My advice to everyone is – slow down to achieve more.” Improving our products allows us to spend more time with family and friends, and our overall happiness increases. Hence, slowing down is the key to greater happiness without question. Substantiating her views, Jennifer says that we neglect our health, happiness, and family when we are in a rush.

Importance of “Mindfulness”

According to Jennifer, mindfulness or the right mindset is the most important thing in one's life. She says it is something connected to her heart and not rushing through each day stuck in her head. Unless you have the right mindset, you will keep struggling both in life and business. Most of the time, she ends up coaching on mindset. Everything starts with a mindset. "Most business owners are action-oriented; hence we use our training sessions to ensure that they are in the right mindset.

When asked if she uses any tool for mindfulness, Jennifer says that her Best Ever Planner is the best tool for her to be in the best mindset. “For me, mindfulness starts with my daily planner. I set my intention first before the day gets started. I get to decide how I want my day to go.”

Her Success

In response to a question, Jennifer says that her success is not based on luck but on good intentions and hard work. She always had the willingness to do something new, which helped her be where she is today. "We make our luck with hard work and determination,” she says.

What's Next

Jennifer says that they have spent the past decades building the three companies, and now it is time to develop what they have. "We have been building so far, and now we want to focus on building on our existing companies and make amazing things.”

Advice to Female Founders

Jennifer’s advice to new female founders is to shed their egos and get help. According to her, getting help from a business coach can shorten the journey of the new entrepreneurs. Business coaches are skilled and trained to help entrepreneurs. At the same time, they need to have an open mindset. "Also, always be yourself and if you have something in your heart, go ahead and do it,” she advises.

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