
Jennifer Lonnberg - The Power of Self-Acceptance

Jennifer Lonnberg - The Power of Self-Acceptance

Jennifer Lonnberg is a #1 bestselling author, energy healer, spiritual life coach, speaker, and author of multiple books, including Embodied Grace, The Secret Psychic, and Thriving Beyond Crisis. She helps her clients bridge the gap between knowing they are a soul and having a human experience with the embodiment of that truth. As a result, they embrace the entire experience and their most genuine hopes, creating a full future. 

In your experience, what is the critical ingredient for higher levels of well-being?   

Self-acceptance is a process of self-awareness that involves understanding what you really think about yourself, your feelings, and your natural talents and abilities.   

Self-acceptance lets you find out who you are, what you like and dislike about yourself, what is important to you, what changes you would like to make in your life, how you can improve, and what goals you want to pursue.   

Accepting yourself frees you from feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, fear, anger, and guilt. Instead, you discover your self-worth, align your genuine desires with intentional daily actionable steps, and claim the right to drive your personal transformation. And you will experience freedom and success.  

What are some mistakes you wish you could have avoided?   

I had always been psychic but trying to shut it down created inner turmoil and frustration. Of course, I could still "hear and see," but trying to ignore it was exhausting. As a result, I have struggled with pain and anxiety that came from a life of negative thinking and self-doubt because I didn't fully accept myself and my gifts.   

What actions could someone take to get started on the journey of healing?   

If you are hurting, angry, or unhappy, the feelings will affect your physical health, family, friends, and society.   

You can start your healing journey with five critical yet straightforward steps.   

Decide what you want.

What do you actually want? This will give you a clear direction of where you're headed, so to speak.   

Learn what self-care is.

Self-care is different for everyone, and it goes way beyond spa days. It's about learning what you need physically as well as emotionally. What kinds of food work for your body? How much water do you need? What kind of exercise do you enjoy? How do you work with, understand and process emotions?   

Practice self-awareness.  

Self-awareness is knowing what triggers you, what supports you, and how you communicate—knowing when you need rest or meditation vs. stimulating experiences—and honestly, knowing what you like or dislike and why.   

Define what you want in life.  

There needs to be some definition in your goals so that you'll know if you get there. So, for example, if you say you want a new car… that's fantastic, but there are more than 60 auto brands worldwide. And, so you have to be more specific.  

Claim it  

This is where you do the work. Take the action steps. Follow your inspiration and guidance while trusting that you can actually have what you want (step one).   

It's hard to work to create change in your life. When you are truly honest with yourself, you'll find that you're going to come across old patterns, limiting beliefs, childhood wounds, traumas, and programming. You may need extra help if you want to move through this process with ease. Work with a healer, life coach, or counselor if you need additional support as you do this work.  

Allow yourself to go slowly with the healing process. Honor any emotions that come up. You can break free from negative thinking, habits, and patterns and learn to enjoy happiness, peace, success, and abundance by being intentional in your thoughts and actions and aligning with what you want in life.  

Divya Parekh

Divya Parekh

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