
Procrastination Types: Discover Your Procrastination Style

Procrastination Types: Discover Your Procrastination Style

We have all been there before. You sit down to work on a project, but instead of getting started, you find yourself scrolling through social media or checking your email for the hundredth time. Or maybe you start working but keep getting distracted by other things. This phenomenon is called procrastination, affecting us all at some point. There are different types of procrastination, and understanding your style can actually help you be more productive. This article will explore the different types of procrastination and how to make them work for you instead of against you.  

What are the Procrastination Styles & Procrastination Habits? 

Procrastination is putting off, delaying, or postponing a task or project that needs to be done immediately. It is not a single bad habit but rather a collection of practices that lead to putting off important tasks. There are four primary procrastination styles, each with its own set of associated habits: 
1. The perfectionist procrastinator is driven by a need for perfection and a fear of failure. This leads to habits like over-preparing, second-guessing, and seeking approval from others. 
2. The avoidant procrastinator is motivated by a fear of failure or criticism. This leads to avoidance behaviors like procrastinating on complex tasks or simply not starting them. 
3. The impulsive procrastinator is motivated by a need for instant gratification. This leads to impulsive behaviors like starting projects without thinking them through or engaging in activities that provide short-term pleasure but long-term pain (like spending too much money). 
4. The indecisive procrastinator cannot make decisions due to an overwhelming fear of making the wrong choice. This leads to habits like research paralysis, overthinking options, and seeking advice from others. 

What Causes Procrastination 

It is important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Everyone experiences and deals with procrastination in their unique way. There are, however, some common factors that can contribute to someone's propensity for procrastination. These include perfectionism, fear of failure, and a lack of motivation or interest in the task. Understanding the most common causes of procrastination can help you identify the triggers for your behavior and find ways to overcome them. Here are the four most common causes of procrastination. 

1. The Need for Perfection 

One of the most common causes of procrastination is perfectionism. If you constantly strive for perfection in everything that you do, it can be hard to get started on anything. The fear of not being good enough and falling short can paralyze and keep you from getting started on a project. 

2. Fear of the Unknown 

Another common cause of procrastination is anxiety. If you feel anxious about a task or a project, it can be difficult to push yourself to start working on it. The worry and stress can make it seem like too much work to begin, so you end up putting it off indefinitely. For some people, procrastination can be a way of managing their anxiety about a particular situation or task. 

3. Constant Distraction 

Other causes of procrastination include boredom, lack of motivation, and distractions. If you are not interested in what you are working on, it's easy to find reasons to put it off. And if other things are vying for your attention, it can be hard to focus on a single task long enough to get started. Ultimately, any reason that makes creating a task seems daunting or impossible can lead to procrastination. 

4. Lack of Focus 

Often, people who struggle with procrastination are those who have difficulty setting and achieving goals. They may find it hard to focus on a task or get easily sidetracked by other thoughts and activities. Many people also lack perseverance which leads them to lose focus on completing their tasks at the right time. 

If you are unsure of what might be causing your procrastination habits, it can be helpful to talk to a therapist or counselor who can help you explore the root cause of your problem. 

Read Also: Tricks to Stay Focused If You're Lacking Motivation  

The Five Procrastination Types

There are five primary types of procrastination: 

1. Task Aversion  

This type of procrastinator avoids a specific task or goal because they don't want to do it, it's too difficult, or they are afraid of failing. More often, the fear of failure plays a significant role in such procrastination, thereby sabotaging their efforts to complete the task in time. 

2. Perfectionism  

Perfectionists procrastinate because they are never satisfied with their work and always feel it could be better. They are afraid of making mistakes and often put off starting a task until they have more time to make it perfect. This procrastinator might waste too much time on a single project and not manage time well, only to hurriedly complete it last minute.  

3. Disorganization  

Disorganized procrastinators have trouble getting started on tasks because they can't find what they need or track what they are supposed to do. This type of procrastination can be caused by a chaotic work environment or simply not having a good system for organizing your thoughts and tasks. 

4. Indecision  

Indecisive procrastinators can't seem to make up their minds about what they want to do or how to do it. This type of procrastinator finds themselves in a situation where uncertainty creates the fear of getting things wrong. They may constantly start and stop tasks, change their minds about what they should be doing, and generally have difficulty settling on a plan of action. 

5. Distraction  

Distractible procrastinators are easily sidetracked by anything and everything that is going on around them. Their attention span is short, and they often have trouble focusing on one task for a very long time. Outside distractions like noise can cause this type of procrastination. 


Regardless of the type of procrastination, one thing every procrastinator shares is the feeling of guilt. If you are guilty of any of these, don't worry, you are not alone. It is important to be aware of your tendencies and work on finding ways to overcome them. Only then will you be able to achieve your full potential and reach your goals.

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