
Raising Our Voices The Enduring Power of Women’s Movements

Raising Our Voices The Enduring Power of Women’s Movements

“The history of progress for women has been a history of communities of women coming together and raising their voices as one to demand change.” - Anita Hill

From the women’s suffrage movement that secured the right to vote, to the women’s liberation movement that challenged traditional gender roles, to the #MeToo movement bringing awareness of sexual assault and harassment, women’s movements throughout history have created important cultural shifts. Their calls for equality, representation, safety and dignity have echoed through generations.

“I raise up my voice—not so I can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard...we cannot succeed when half of us are held back.” ― Malala Yousafzai

Women have raised their voices, not for their own gain, but to lift up others, advocate for the voiceless and promote a more just world for all. Their perseverance through ridicule, threats and repression has paved the way for hard-won progress across civil rights, workplace policies, healthcare access, political representation and more. But the journey is far from over.

“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made...It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.” - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Today, women are still vastly underrepresented in leadership roles in government, business, media and technology. Issues like workplace discrimination and harassment, income inequality, limited reproductive rights, and gender-based violence persist. However, women leaders and activists carry on the movement, speaking truth to power through protests, legislation, court battles, and community organizing.

“I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon!” - Hillary Clinton

From lawmakers like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bringing young, diverse voices to Congress, to the women leading Black Lives Matter drawing attention to police brutality, to Tarana Burke spurring the global #MeToo reckoning, a new generation is picking up the torch of progress.

“To the women of today, with the blessings of the women of the past and the support of the women of the future, we are a force to be reckoned with, more powerful than any other entity.” ― Yehudit Mam

Standing on the shoulders of suffragists, civil rights icons, and pioneers of decades past while clearing the path for those still to come - women continue advocating, organizing and speaking out for the betterment of all.

“I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear.” - Rosa Parks

The road ahead is long, but women are leveraging their collective power to drive social, cultural and legislative change.

“So, my dear sisters... you must keep your head high, continue your journey with determination... March on.” - Michelle Obama

Sisters in decades past persisted in the face of adversity, vitriol, and oppression to fight for dignity, equality, justice and basic human rights. Today, women carry that enduring spirit of resistance.

“We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.” – Malala Yousafzai

So, women continue to raise their voices louder and in solidarity for themselves, for their daughters and for women everywhere just yearning to live in a more compassionate, safe and equitable world. The enduring influence of women’s movements inspires us to keep pushing forward, to elevate new voices and to harness the power of community to spark positive change.

The Editorial Team

The Editorial Team

Hi there, we're the editorial team at WomELLE. We offer resources for business and career success, promote early education and development, and create a supportive environment for women. Our magazine, "WomLEAD," is here to help you thrive both professionally and personally.

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