
Tammy Jones: Empowering Women and Organizations to Reach Their Full Potential

Tammy Jones: Empowering Women and Organizations to Reach Their Full Potential

From the Midwest to the outskirts of D.C., Tammy Jones has set out on a remarkable journey of empowerment and transformation. As the founder and CEO of TMaree Solutions, Tammy is on a mission to inspire and uplift women and organizations to reach their full potential.   

"I knew that I did not want to be held hostage to another government shutdown," Tammy recalls about her decision to establish TMaree Solutions in 2019. "I needed to do something where I could actually utilize my skills and abilities to help women." With over two decades of experience in Human Resource Management, Tammy brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role as a certified executive and personal coach.   

Tammy's passion for empowering women and girls is deeply rooted in her own experiences. "As a child, you are inspired to be great. However, growing up in Ohio, I wasn't pushed to pursue entrepreneurship, instead, I was encouraged to excel within a company, adhering to their rules and being the best while working for someone else," Tammy reflects. "What I've learned over the years is that working for someone else really does place limitations on you and how creative you can be."   

Breaking free from these limitations, Tammy founded TMaree Solutions with a clear vision in mind. "When I formed the company, I said that all those things that I knew I did not agree with, those things that didn't work for me, those are the things that will not be a part of the company. Those are the things that we will remove in terms of women and girls," she explains.   

One of the key areas Tammy focuses on is encouraging girls to pursue their passions, whether it's in STEM or the arts. "We're pushing STEM, but we're forgetting about those young girls who are interested in the arts," Tammy points out. "The arts are not just about singing and dancing. It's about so many things, so many different areas."   

Through TMaree Solutions, Tammy offers a diverse range of services to empower women and transform organizations. The company's mission is to collaborate with companies to foster inclusive workplaces where everyone can thrive and reach their full potential. By tailoring their approach to meet each client's unique needs, culture, and goals, TMaree Solutions delivers effective and impactful solutions that drive positive change.   

From employee engagement workshops and leadership development programs to personalized coaching and inclusive recruitment strategies, Tammy and her team are committed to supporting organizations in their journey toward inclusivity and empowerment. TMaree Solutions helps organizations tap into the full potential of their employees by creating environments where every voice is heard and valued.   

The company's leadership development programs equip leaders with the skills and knowledge to lead diverse teams, cultivate inclusive cultures, and empower women in leadership positions. TMaree Solutions also offers personalized coaching sessions that celebrate each woman’s unique strengths, helping them overcome challenges, develop leadership skills, and achieve their career aspirations.   

Recognizing the importance of inclusive recruitment, TMaree Solutions provides strategies to attract, engage, and retain top talent from all backgrounds, contributing to the creation of more inclusive and equitable workplaces. Additionally, the company offers comprehensive diversity training and consulting to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility across all aspects of their clients' businesses. This commitment to inclusivity aligns with Tammy's belief in the power of pivoting and pursuing one's passions, regardless of the path initially chosen.   

"It's important to let them know early that they matter. Sometimes you may desire to be in a certain space or be an engineer for example. But it's okay if you decide later to pivot and go down a different road," Tammy advises. "It's okay to no longer follow that straight line, but a path made of many curves." Tammy's journey serves as a clear example of this philosophy in action.   

Despite initially being steered toward speech pathology, Tammy discovered her love for communications and the arts during her undergraduate studies. This experience has shaped Tammy's approach to empowering individuals and organizations to embrace change and pursue their true passions, a core value that is deeply ingrained in the work of TMaree Solutions.   

Armed with a Master of Science in Management and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications, Tammy brings a diverse skill set to her work at TMaree Solutions. "Human resource management equipped me, along with a communications degree, to prepare and gain many skills that I have in working with individuals. I've learned that it's important to listen. It's important to listen to what people are saying with an intent to understand, not an intent to respond," she says.   

Reflecting on her journey from the Midwest to D.C., Tammy acknowledges the impact it has had on her approach to leadership and coaching. "The Midwest can be kind of closed-minded, if you will. And when I moved to DC, my eyes were opened to a new perspective," she shares. "In the Midwest, growing up, I was raised to be great but humble at the same time. And not to be as boastful, if you will. When I came to DC, I had a leader who showed me that it's okay to be confident and to own the room when you walk in."   

This confidence boost has been instrumental in Tammy's work at TMaree Solutions, where she encourages women to speak up and use their voices. "We all have a voice. And it's important that we use our voice. If we don't use it, then people will take advantage of us and situations, and not much will get done, or the things that we want to get done will not happen," she asserts.   

For female entrepreneurs facing unique challenges, Tammy offers valuable advice based on her experiences. "It's important to write down everything that you're great at, everything that you know without a doubt that you're good at. And then decide what you love most. Circle those things that you love most. I believe that is a path in which you can find what you're passionate about," she suggests.   

Tammy also points out the importance of taking baby steps and being ready to take things to the next level. "I'm even ready to go to the next level with TMaree Solutions. I'm ready. And it took a while to get here, but I'm ready," she shares with enthusiasm.    

As TMaree Solutions continues to grow and make a positive impact, Tammy remains committed to her mission of empowering women and transforming organizations. "I just want to share that as women, there's a lot we can do. Together, we're powerful. If anyone needs or wants to talk, I'm here," she offers.   

With Tammy Jones leading the way, TMaree Solutions is set to keep making a significant impact in human resources and beyond. Through her commitment to empowering women and creating inclusive workplaces, Tammy is paving the way for a brighter, more equitable future.   

As she aptly puts it, "There is a great big world out there, and there's enough of it for all of us." With TMaree Solutions leading the charge, the world is becoming a more inclusive and empowering place, one organization at a time.   

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