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Why Owning Your Own Business is Better Than Being an Employee

Why Owning Your Own Business is Better Than Being an Employee

Do you have a billion-dollar idea? Most people do, but only a few are able to fight the fears that hold them back from taking action and living their dreams.  

Having a job means safety and security, or at least that’s what people tell themselves until they get laid off. Owning a business is a pathway to financial success that most jobs don’t offer, and there are several reasons why you should consider taking action on your ideas to become what you were meant to be. 

Owning a Business Means Freedom: 

Perhaps the biggest reward of owning a business is that there is no boss to report to. There is a saying about employees that says people join organizations and leave managers. If you are quitting your job because of your manager, why settle for another company where the situation can be worse? 

Owning a business means that you make your own hours with no one to tell you when to login and logout. Most entrepreneurs work harder than the time when they were employees, but they enjoy the work because they know that they will be rewarded eventually.  

Business owners know that they work hard to build a company rather than working long hours to make someone else rich. 

Does that mean that you should quit your job and start your passion project right away? According to professional coach Alyssa Nobriga, throwing caution to the wind and quitting your job is a bad idea.  

Starting a business takes time and tremendous amount of effort while there will be an initial period where you won’t be making any money. The best way to go about starting a business is to moonlight on your passion project during the weekends and wait for the business to start generating a steady income before quitting your job. 

Owning a Business Can Be a Fulfilling Career: 

Owning a business can be a deeply fulfilling career under the right conditions. Successful business owners are those who turn their passion into a company.  

For passionate business owner's office hours feels more like fun rather than work. They don’t even notice the time, even though they work 14 to 16 hours a day.  

Sarah Anne Stewart became a model in her teen years. She was in a profession that most girls her age dream of, but she soon realized the darker side of the glamorous profession.  

Modeling requires women to be of a certain height and weight, and the expectations affects models both physically and mentally. Sarah was forced to make a change when she woke up in a hospital and the doctor told her in no uncertain words to either change her lifestyle or be prepared to die. 

In her search to heal her body, Sarah tried to learn as much as possible about holistic health and healing. She later dedicated her life to healthy living and became nutrition health coach. Perhaps no job can give Sarah the same level of fulfillment as the one she chose for herself. 

Owning a Business is a Path to Wealth Creation: 

There are a few high paying jobs out there that can help you become a millionaire. However, getting such jobs is a real challenge. People need the right education, the right skills, and the right connections to land a high paying job. Even with the job, it is a long road to creating wealth. 

The barriers to starting a business are minimal, if you have a strong idea and if you are resourceful. Once you have a company up and running the question of wealth creation will be about how many units you have sold as opposed to the number of hours you work in a day. 

The current coronavirus pandemic is a perfect example for why you should own a business rather than work as an employee. While millions across the country have lost their jobs, business owners are finding innovative ways to stay afloat and make money. 

Women are leading the charge. Not only are they finding ways to stay in business, but there are many female leaders who are helping their clients to survive. According to Business Insider, Bilyana Freye, Trisha Okubo, Liva Judic, and Lori Michalich-Levin are some of the women who are thinking out of the box to help their clients and stay in business. 

An employee who has been let go or has faced a pay cut has little choice but wait for the economy to improve or wait for someone to hire her. She has no control over her future.  

A business owner on the other has a fighting chance of survival because her destiny is in her hands. A good leader will also have a loyal team to support her because they know their jobs are on the line, which means failure is not an option.

The Editorial Team

The Editorial Team

Hi there, we're the editorial team at WomELLE. We offer resources for business and career success, promote early education and development, and create a supportive environment for women. Our magazine, "WomLEAD," is here to help you thrive both professionally and personally.

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