
Women-led Startups to Look Out for in 2023

Women-led Startups to Look Out for in 2023

Women are performing exceptionally well in different industries. The outbreak of COVID-19 encouraged many women to pursue their dreams and start their own journey to entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurs often face many challenges, but they are breaking on their paths with incredible performance. Let us check out these ten women-led startups and see how they rule their respective industries.  

Star Cunningham, Founder and CEO of 4D Healthware

Star has worked extensively in the health industry and women-related issues. Her experience with IBM gave her insights into the power of data and emerging technologies. Founded in 2011, 4D Healthcare is a Chicago-based company and a patient engagement software that drives the exchange of information with patients. The connected data allows for personalized medicine suggestions. Her dedication has helped her take the company to another level and gain investors. The technology further makes it easier for patients to choose the right medicine according to their symptoms and health condition.  

Rachel McCrickard, CEO and Co-Founder of Motivo Health

Motivo Health is one of the women-led startups aiming to add convenience to the lives of mental health therapists. It is the first-ever online platform that helps connect mental health therapists to clinical supervisors. The experts supervise them and help them gain an understanding of life. They may provide live video conferences to assist the therapists in getting the licenses. The company was founded in 2018 and positively changed therapists' lives. One cannot deny that therapists get less time for themselves. Therefore, the platform comes to the rescue and may allow them to complete the therapist licensure process.

Emma Yang, Founder of Timeless

Alzheimer's is a critical condition that can impact the overall well-being of an individual. Emma is one of the change-makers and women entrepreneurs who struggled and came up with the idea at 16 when she was in high school. Women Who Tech and Google hosted an event in which the Timeless app was highly recognized. The app was even recognized as the winner of The Women Startup Challenge. The app empowers and allows patients suffering from Alzheimer's to stay connected or engage with their family members. Emma was selected as one of the thirty World Science Scholars in the world in 2019.

Amy Chang, Founder and CEO of Accompany

Accompany is a high-end technology that focuses on relationship management and collects insights or information that professionals might require. The app combines innovative calendar services and cloud-computing mail applications to get the desired results. The app allows companies and executives to stay on track. One can be the virtual chief for a day by collecting all the necessary information.

Amy previously worked for Google and ran Google Analytics for over seven years. Her dedication has allowed the company to grow significantly. Accompany is even regarded as one of the applications that most business professionals and management people must have. The platform utilizes artificial intelligence.

Kelly Pan, Co-Founder and CEO of Impact Foods

Impact Foods is another women-led startup aiming to support and bring more sustainable plant-based seafood to the market. Kelly started the company's operations this year and has worked hard to achieve greater heights. In the list of women-led startups to look at, you must add it to the list as the company also focuses on taking a conscious and alternative way to bring plant-based seafood into the market and leave a positive impact on the coming generations. She also uses her organization as a medium to address the social challenges and critical issues in the food industry.

Kiah Williams, Co-Founder of SIRUM

Kiah Williams is the co-founder and director of SIRUM. The company is a social venture and platform aiming to distribute medicine from manufacturers, pharmacies, health facilities, and wholesalers. The medicines are provided to patients and low-income clinics. Kiah had long worked in the healthcare industry and founded SIRUM in 2011. The initiative of saving lives by distributing unused medicines brings her to the list of standout w omen entrepre ne ur s . You should check out her brand and how she has been helping thousands in the country to lead a better life.

Lauren Wang, Founder and CEO of The Flex Company

The Flex Company deals with tampon alternatives that women can wear during menstruation. It is one product that strikes conversations around taboo topics and encourages women to focus on a healthy lifestyle . The products are FDA-compliant and considered highly safe to use. It is one of the top-selling brands concerning sustainable period care products. The products are available throughout the US and help build a better life for other women worldwide.

Kate Ryder, Founder and CEO of Maven Clinic

Maven Clinic is one of the women-led startups that deserves the list. Kate Ryder founded the clinic in 2014 and has contributed to the company's growth. The platform helps connect working women with nurse practitioners, healthcare professionals, nutritionists, and mental healthcare professionals. The appointments are even available for as low as $18. Katy aims to provide specialized and affordable care to the people in the country. They have served more than 100,000 patients and are building further to serve more. They are also utilizing new technologies and tools to take the startup to the next level further.  

Julia Kurnia, Founder and Director of Zidisha

Julia co-founded the world's first microfinance organization at the age of 22. She spent years working on funding and other aspects for organizations. In 2009, she started an online community to provide alternative and cheaper financing options compared to the ex pensive l oans o ffered by the banks. Zidisha is the first platform focusing on direct person-to-person lending and bridging the wealth gap. The platform aims to reduce microloans' costs from 40% to 10% and eliminate the need for local loan officers. They have facilitated more than $1.9 million in loans in Asia and Africa. It is one of the women-led startups that you must check and learn how women are equally good at managing finances.  

The number of startups launched daily is i n creasing , and the US t o p s th e list w ith more t han 70,0 00 st artup s. M ore women are ta k ing th e p ath to e n trepren eu rs hi p to fulfi ll their dre ams and bui ld succes sf ul car eers . Thes e are some of th e w omen-led sta rtu ps that star ted w ith minimal in v estment but eff ectiv e ideas . T a ke in spiration from the se w om en e nt re preneurs and start wo rk i ng on yo ur busine ss id ea s . D o n ot give up on you r hope s if thing s do not go w ell. Ke ep w or k ing a nd f ocus on im p r ov in g !

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