
Robbin Jorgensen: Igniting the Passion Within to Become a Global Force of Change

Robbin Jorgensen: Igniting the Passion Within to Become a Global Force of Change

The world is currently grappling with a multitude of seemingly insurmountable challenges, from food insecurity and human rights violations to climate change and gender inequality, among others. The sheer magnitude of these issues can often feel overwhelming, leaving individuals wondering if their contributions can make any meaningful impact. However, one visionary trailblazer, Robbin Jorgensen , firmly believes that unleashing the power of women is the critical catalyst for solving these global challenges.

As the Founder and CEO of Women Igniting Change ®, and the US Ambassador for AVEGA Agahozo in Rwanda, Robbin is a passionate disruptor of the status quo and an advocate for human rights. She teaches women and organizations how to create social impact, recognizing that a better world can only be achieved through the empowerment of women.

Robbin's message has resonated with audiences around the world, as she has become a sought-after speaker on women's leadership and social impact strategy. Her mission is clear: to create the largest community of global changemakers, mobilizing women to unleash their voices, talents, and convictions in service of a better world, “everything shifts the moment a woman realizes she has within her the ability to spark tremendous change in the world. She can no longer stay silent…and she becomes a catalyst for action.” 

A Life-Changing Workshop

In a chance encounter during a workshop for senior women at Bank of America in January 2017, Robbin Jorgensen's life took an unexpected turn. When one of the women in the group asked Robbin what one of her goals was, she blurted out that she would love to work with women in Rwanda, despite having no prior connection to the country.

Robbin's off-hand comment was met with enthusiasm from one of the workshop attendees, who connected her with Dr. Etienne Musonera, her executive MBA professor. Musonera invited Robbin to work with AVEGA Agahozo, a women's group in Rwanda, through Mercer on Mission in June of that year. However, Robbin faced a logistical challenge as she had already committed to a speaking engagement in Albany, NY, just a few days after the trip to Rwanda. Despite warnings from others that it was impossible, Robbin felt a strong call to go and managed to make both commitments by traveling non-stop between Atlanta, GA, Rwanda, and Albany.

Robbin's experience in Rwanda left a profound impact on her, and she knew she wanted to continue working with the country's incredible women. In 2018, she received what she describes as a "divine download," telling her to build an economic empowerment center for women in Rwanda. Despite not knowing how to accomplish this goal, Robbin began reaching out to various women's groups and government officials during her frequent visits to Rwanda, and her idea was met with overwhelming support.   

Robbin's dedication to this vision culminated in the signing of an MOU with the Ministry of Gender on February 28, 2020, but the pandemic put her plans on hold. Nevertheless, she remains committed to her mission and plans to return to Rwanda in July to reassess the situation and determine what is needed now.   

Her experiences in Rwanda have fundamentally reshaped her company and the impact she hopes to have with it, demonstrating the profound impact that one person can have on the world.   

A Collaborative Force for Change

Robbin launched the Global Changemakers Community       in 2022, providing a unique platform for women from all corners of the world to collaborate on impactful initiatives. Her community employs a six-part framework designed to help women bring their ideas to fruition, breaking down cultural barriers and forming strategic partnerships that enable transformative action.   

Through the c ommunity, women learn how to expand upon their ideas and turn them into actionable plans. They are taught to identify allies and resources to help advance their initiatives and to use the power of storytelling to connect with stakeholders and inspire action. Strategic questioning is emphasized to help overcome obstacles and drive projects forward, while participants are encouraged to envision their end goals and work backward to develop a step-by-step action plan.

Whether they are just getting started with an idea or looking to take their initiative to the next level, members of the Global Changemakers Community  can expect a supportive environment that provides structure, training, and guidance to help them bring their ideas to life. Robbin's community is built on the principle that when diverse women come together, they can leverage their collective expertise to solve real-world problems and drive positive social change.

Paying It Forward

Robbin is a firm believer in the value of giving back to society, and her actions reflect this conviction. To that end, a portion of every membership fee is devoted to funding initiatives that work to promote the rights and empowerment of women and girls on a global scale. This commitment to social responsibility is at the core of the Global Changemakers Community's ethos.   


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